
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the opticey eand typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard.

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If you’re suffering from frequent headaches, ask yourself, “When was my last eye checkup?” A routine eye exam can turn up a variety of issues that may be causing headaches. In some cases staring at the computer screen too long, or working on overly bright or dim light may be the culprit. Adjusting workplace lighting, or remembering to take a break every hour or so to give your eyes a rest can remedy those problems.

# how often does each behavior occur Never Seldom Occasionally Frequently Always
1 Your eyes feel tired when reading or doing close work
2 Your eyes feel uncomfortable when reading or doing close work
3 You have headaches when reading or doing close work
4 You feel sleepy when reading or doing close work
5 You lose concentration when reading or doing close work
6 You have trouble remembering what you have read
7 You have double vision when reading or doing close work
8 You see the words move, jump, swim, or appear to float on the page when reading or doing close work
9 You feel like you read slowly
10 Your eyes ever hurt when reading doing close work
11 Your eyes ever feel sore when reading or doing close work
12 You feel a “pulling” feeling around your eyes when reading or doing close work
13 You notice the words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading or doing close work
14 You lose your place when reading or doing close work
15 You lose your place when reading or doing close work
16 You have to reread the same line of words when reading
Total Score x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4