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  • We Provide Customized And Hybrid Vision Therapy
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Best Vision Therapy Centre in Mumbai - Alphaa Vision Therapy

Alphaa Vision Therapy is the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai is established as probably the most effective vision therapy centre in Mumbai and is devoted to offering superior and customized services to patients of all ages who want to enhance their visions and general well-being. For all issues affecting vision, our team of highly trained vision therapy specialists provides a full range of vision therapies. We see patients requiring learning-related vision problems in children to those involved in vision rehabilitation in adults, Alphaa Vision Therapy is the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai that takes full responsibility for each patient.

In some cases, prescription lenses may be required for certain refractive conditions. It is important to know that The Vision Therapy Center does not make glasses. We refer all of our patients to other optometrists and opticians.

A developmental optometrist’s approach to prescribing lenses is different than that taken by general optometrists or ophthalmologists. Our approach is functional and focuses on the underlying visual problem. When we prescribe lenses, they may serve any of the following functions:

  • Preventive lenses: To prevent a vision problem from developing further.
  • Development lenses: To support developing visual skills and help cope with visual stress.
  • Remedial lenses: A temporary fix for a specific problem; designed to provide a stopgap measure until the therapy can be completed .

01. Activities to build or improve visual skills

Patients perform certain visual activities and procedures that will help correct the visual functioning of their eyes. These will be performed both in our office and at home. Newly acquired visual skills will be reinforced and made automatic through repetition and by integration with motor and cognitive skills.

02. Office visits to build visual skills and keep patients on track

03. Use of various treatment devices.

What is Vision Therapy?

Visual therapy is a form of treatment that does not involve surgery and is used to aid the rehabilitation of different vision disorders. Vision therapy is different from corrective lenses or even eye surgery because it’s based on exercises and tasks that address the underlying visual functioning issue. Vision therapy can be helpful to those who have the following conditions; lazy eye, eye turning and tearing, binocular vision, and computer vision syndrome. As the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai, we are committed to the best practices in implementing vision therapy by employing developmentally appropriate optical exercises that address the specific vision disorder of each patient with the aid of the new technology.

Key Benefits of Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is good for patients who have vision problems of some kind. Here are some key advantages:

Enhanced Visual Skills: Vision therapy at the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai enhances the ability of our eyes to work together correctly, focus, and coordinate, ultimately improving comfortable vision.

Improved Academic and Work Performance: Learning achievement in children may be compromised by many visual disorders. Visual training enables the child to read, write and learn with greater ease since control of eye movement as well as the skills that control the uptake and processing of information is improved.

Reduced Eye Strain and Fatigue: In the case of computer vision syndrome, vision therapy removes eye strain, headaches, and fatigue because it works to reverse the cause.

Prevention of Future Issues: Vision therapy also has a protective function, which enhances eyesight and prevents more serious unfavourable changes in the future.

Our Services at Alphaa Vision Therapy

Our vision therapy is age-sensitive, and we offer vision therapy issues in relation to developmental stages, furthermore, we offer vision therapy for all sorts of issues that relate to vision.

  • Vision Rehabilitation for Adults Vision rehabilitation is a process by which adult individuals with impaired vision are assisted to get back to their normal lives. By engaging our patients in specifically designed exercises and using techniques that are pertinent to clients’ situations, our therapists increase the client’s remaining vision.
  • Vision Therapy for Children Children’s vision development at the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai is a critical factor in learning, as well as in their overall growth. There are children who have vision problems that may affect their academic work and their interpersonal skills. Through our vision therapy for children, we treat problems such as amblyopia, strabismus, and binocular vision disorder.
  • Sports Vision Therapy Athletes need to have superior vision in terms of depth, peripheral areas, and performance of tasks innate to an individual’s visual prowess as a sportsman. Sports vision therapy at the Best Vision Therapy Centre in Mumbai is aimed at developing these skills to very efficient performance for quick tracking of moving objects, estimation of distances and quick response.
  • Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment As a result of the increased use of computers and electronic gadgets, many people develop computer vision syndrome (CVS) that causes eye strain, distorted vision and headache. Thus, our computer vision syndrome treatment program is aimed at the correction of visual dysfunctions, proper focusing and eye movement abilities, and decrease of digital eye stress.

Why Choose Our Vision Therapy Centre in Mumbai?

Alphaa Vision Therapy can be considered one of the premier vision therapy centres in Mumbai because of the strategies applied, dynamism, and patient approach.

Experienced Professionals Certified vision therapists, optometrists as well as occupational therapists work in our team with years of experience in diagnosing and treating various visual problems. Having a vast experience our specialists are able to make the correct diagnosis and come up with the right course of therapy for every single vision challenged patient.

Advanced Technology At Alphaa Vision Therapy, we possess the leading technologies that can be used to deliver quality vision therapy. Using the simple technology of computer-generated visual exercises to complex virtual reality simulations we ensure that therapy sessions are fun and rewarding, resulting in almost instantaneous positive changes.

Tailored Treatment Plans At Alphaa Vision Therapy each patient develops an individualized treatment plan which corresponds to his/her current visual difficulties and potential. Such focused treatment enhances the relevance, focus and efficiency of therapy for each person.

Patient-Centred Care At Alphaa Vision Therapy, the Best vision therapy centre in Mumbai we put our patient’s best interests first and do everything we can to ensure their well-being. Our goal is to provide a positive attitude to patients where they feel free and encouraged from the start till the time they complete their therapy sessions.

Book Your Consultation Today

To understand if you or your child needs vision therapy, connect with Alphaa Vision Therapy as soon as you can. Let us assist you with your vision problems. Book your consultation today and start the journey to improved vision and to lead a higher quality of life.